It’s 10 p.m. on a Friday night. The phone is ringing off the hook because it’s raining outside and the intoxicated students don’t want to walk anywhere. The voice on the other end of the phone answers, “Wittenberg escort, how can we help you?”
No one ever stops and wonders who the voice on the other end is, but these people seem to always be there when we need them. One of many escort drivers, Mickey Murphy, who is a sophomore and has been working as an escort driver for almost a year, sure knows a lot about the service.
The 20 year old Business major is from Carmel, Indiana, and is thinking of pursing an Economics minor. Mickey was hired and trained last spring and officially started working with the escort service in the fall. With the excellent year he’s had, Mickey will become a student manager next year.
When asked about the busiest times for escorts, Mickey said, “They are when you expect them to be, Friday and Saturday nights. Wednesdays are also busy at times.” When the weather outside is nice, Wednesdays tend to be a lot more busy.
With the academic year coming to an end, students seem to be getting a little crazier. Mickey explained one of the funny stories he recently encountered, “A student once tried to give me a tip when I was dropping him off. He must have thought it was a cab or something.” Mickey said most of the time students are under the influence of alcohol and say stupid things, but he usually just ignores it.
“Once a guy called me to take him to a location, and within five minutes, he called me back to pick him up. It was just a little strange.”
Mickey’s favorite part of the job is working with the Wittenberg Police and Security. He says, “Everyone is very nice and willing to help out. I also like driving people around, especially when they are friendly.” However, on the other hand, people can be rather rude to the escort drivers.
When asked if he had ever gotten into an argument with a student, Mickey replied, “A couple of girls got very sassy with me. They were trying to fit five people into the car and I told them I could only take four at a time. They wouldn’t get out, but the guys they were with told them they had to and they ended up having to walk in the rain.” Mickey said his least favorite part of the job is dealing with people being rude and people who try to take advantage of the service.
The escort service has regulars that call almost every Friday and Saturday nights. Mickey said he can almost tell the exact time they will call. Also, he said, “I know a lot of times who I am talking to because I can remember their voice and put their name to it.” Mickey has gotten to know the regulars quite well and seems to have developed some sort of friendship with them.
Overall, Mickey is very pleased with his job. He enjoys working and it’s a time where he can get away from schoolwork. Often making Mickey laugh, the late night phone calls are a never-ending source of entertainment. He recalls one phone call he will never forget. “A women called and said her clutch was stolen and left in a car. We had recently dropped her off at a location and she must have been too intoxicated to remember.” So the next time an escort gives you a ride, make sure to be friendly and remember you don’t have to tip!