Thursday, January 20, 2011

more than just a note

"This is really wrong if we're going to live like this," Dr. McHugh said as tears streamed down her face. A terrible incident like this has affected the whole community of Wittenberg, but what are people doing about it? Many faculty are enraged by what has happened and felt it was necessary to devote class to bring awareness about this incident. Dr. McHugh not only shared her feelings with class as she became emotional, but she had students write out actions they wish to take to turn Witt into a better place. Is that really possible though? Will people change?
Many members of Wittenberg are only aware of the note that was left on the door in Tower Hall. However, it's been more than that. In Firestine, another note was left on an African American's door as well as in NewDorm above water fountains. It may have started out as a sick joke, but it turned serious very fast. Having Chapel hour is a great way to bring Witt together during a time like this, but what else will be done now? Is everyone just going to move on with hopes that people will change?
Hopefully, another incident won't happen like this, but this being the sixth incident this year that seems very unlikely. Every individual can help change this and bring the community together. It's terrible that something like this had to happen for us to realize this. So I ask, what's next?

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