Tuesday, March 15, 2011

my favorite thing about witt

When I first came to Wittenberg I absolutely loved it because everyone was nice to everyone and people seemed to fit in no matter what. The people on this campus seemed to be care free and not care about what grade or age you were. It may also seem different now since I am older and made my group of friends and don't really run into a lot of people that I don't know. I thought I would love coming to a small school, but some of the time I wonder what it would be like at a bigger school.
Witt definitely offers the close feeling of family since we are such a small school. It may be bad sometimes that everyone hears everything, but I think it just makes you closer as a community to the people you are closer with. At times I always say I hate Wittenberg, but in the end I think it's a great school and has a lot to offer.

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