Tuesday, March 15, 2011

spring break

I kept getting asked by people why I would want to spend spring break with my parents when I'm a 21 year old college student. Honestly, a week in the caribbean relaxing, getting tan, and eating good food sounds a pretty damn good vacation to me. However, this year's spring break turned out to be much more than what I expected.
My parents are a very fun set of people and like to have their share of fun. While most college students were spending their breaks drinking 24/7, I was doing the same. Just more casually. Starting the morning off with some bloody mary's sounded great to me.
The last time I went to St. Marteen my freshmen year of high school, my best friend and I were stalked and harrassed quite a bit. We were told islanders were into blonde haired girls. Well, I thought it wouldn't be so much of an issue this year, which it wasn't, but instead it was the older American men. And by old I mean 28 and 35. Which is old compared to a 21 year old. So, I just went on with my break and had as much fun as I could!

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